Dynamic Data & Security

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Back to Base Monitoring

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Alarm Monitoring

You can choose your own level of monitoring for your system. The MyAlarm App pushes notifications to an App on your mobile enabled devices and a lot of our customers are choosing this now in favour of back to base monitoring. The MyAlarm I-fob app is available

from $16.50/mth.

MyAlarm App

The MyAlarm App is available for a once off fee that enables arming/disarming and up to 100 push notifications per month, or

from $16.50/mth for unlimited notifications.

There are three options available for our clients, depending on the phone line and internet connections that are supplied to the premises: The following pricing includes GST.

Standard Monitoring – from $6.95 per week

This uses normal analogue PSTN phone lines and can share the same phone line as the phones but is usually connected to a fax, EFTPOS or ADSL line if they are available.

IP Monitoring – from $7.95 per week

This uses an internet connection. Monitoring is faster over this method however this is also dependent upon a stable internet connection and can be affected by power outages. We recommend that this solution has a backup power supply installed to the client’s data cabinet if they choose this method.

GPRS monitoring – from $11.95 per week

This requires no phone line or internet connection as it uses a wireless data network. This is also the most secure method of back to base monitoring as it utilises two mobile phone networks and can also use phone lines or internet connections as a failover should the other services fail. This can also be cheaper in some cases with no phone line or call costs incurred, and there are no excess usage charges. The GPRS unit is also powered by the alarm panel, so it will continue to function in the event of a power failure. In most cases, a GPRS unit is required to be fitted inside the security system control panel for a small fee. The cost of the installation of the GPRS unit is $450.

Note that the MyAlarm App may also be used in conjunction with back to base monitoring.

The back to base security alarm responses is tailor-made to the client’s requirement. Usually, the client is contacted directly in the event of an alarm activation, then other people that the client nominates are contacted in the client’s preferred order. Emergency and guard services can also be engaged, for example, if the client is not contactable they can elect to have a security guard patrol respond to investigate the alarm and secure the premises. Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance services can also be arranged.

Other back to base monitoring services include weekly reports, and late to close facilities where you will be contacted if your security system is not armed by a certain time of the day.

Other uses for back to base monitoring also include Panic Alarms and monitoring of devices such as temperature controlled fridges and safes.

Dynamic Data & Security uses our nominated back to base monitoring company Stay Safe Security for our clients, and we can connect to other back to base facilities if required.